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‎Azur Lane on the App Store

2023-03-16 07:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The game is good and I have an enjoyable time playing it, but there is a problem that needs to be fixed. When I started playing this game, I ended up amassing a large amount of oil from the rewards from the inbox that exceeds the max amount of oil. I could not get more oil from the academy, but I could get extra oil along with the other stuff that comes with the oil. I would play this game quite often but I wouldn’t really use up a lot of oil. Then, at some point a new update came out. I don’t really know when the update came, but when I decided to hop back on one day, I checked my inbox and tried to collect the rewards in it. Here’s where the problem arises. I can’t collect any of the rewards that include oil in them. Now, this would be understandable if I had the max amount of oil. I would simply just play the game a bit, spend some oil, and collect the rewards. Not very difficult to do. But, as of right now, I have like 27,000 oil. My max oil is 5,000. There is nothing in the game that lets me spend that much oil. I would have to level up to raise my max oil or just try and spend it by doing sorties. I don’t really want to spend hours trying to get rid of unneeded oil just to collect something. Could you please fix this problem. The amount of oil I have does not matter to me. I do not need any more oil. I wouldn’t care if you decided to take away all of that oil at this point.






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